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Dr Umayal Ramanathan College for Women

URCW is a continuation of the pioneering work of Dr RM. Alagappa Chettiar converted a mere shrub jungle of 1000 acres in Karaikudi into a galaxy of educational institutions in the 1950s.

Women today constitute more than half of the world’s population, but those entering higher education and occupying decision-making positions of responsibility are relatively low compared to men. Educated women play an integral role in effecting social changes in our society today.

At Dr Umayal Ramanathan College of Arts & Science for Women, our goal is to provide you with a wide spectrum of academic disciplines and maintain a high standard of education. The College campus will provide a serene ambience that will be conducive for you to study.

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Contact Us

Alagappapuram, Karaikudi
Sivagangai District.
Pincode: 630 003.
P: 04565-227861
E: womenscollege@alagappa.org

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