Department Information Technology

S. No Description
PO1 Disciplinary knowledge: Capable of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and understanding of one or more disciplines that form a part of an undergraduate Programme of study
PO2 Communication Skills: Ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively in writing and orally; Communicate with others using appropriate media; confidently share one‘s views and express herself/himself; demonstrate the ability to listen carefully, read and write analytically, and present complex information in a clear and concise manner to different groups.
PO3 Critical thinking: Capability to apply analytic thought to a body of knowledge; analyse and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, beliefs on the basis of empirical evidence; identify relevant assumptions or implications; formulate coherent arguments; critically evaluate practices, policies and theories by following scientific approach to knowledge development.
PO4 Problem solving: Capacity to extrapolate from what one has learned and apply their competencies to solve different kinds of non-familiar problems, rather than replicate curriculum content knowledge; and apply one‘s learning to real life situations.
PO5 Analytical reasoning: Ability to evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence; identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others; analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples, and addressing opposing viewpoints.
PO6 Research-related skills: A sense of inquiry and capability for asking relevant/appropriate questions, problem arising, synthesising and articulating; Ability to recognise cause-and-effect relationships, define problems,formulatehypotheses,testhypotheses,analyse,interpretanddraw conclusions from data, establish hypotheses, predict cause-and-effect relationships; ability to plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation.
PO7 Cooperation/Team work: Ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams; facilitate cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group, and act together as a group or a team in the interests of a common cause and work efficiently as a member of a team.
PO8 Scientific reasoning: Ability to analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from quantitative/qualitative data; and critically evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences from an open-minded and reasoned perspective.


S. No Description
PSO1 Demonstrate and apply basic knowledge of information technology to the scientific issues And problems being faced in society and the industry.
PSO2 Analyze critical problems and provide computer-based solutions by applying appropriate Tools and technology.
PSO3 Equip with technical ability, problem solving skills, creative talent and power of communication necessary for various forms of employment. Develop arrange of generic skills helpful in employment, internships & societal activities.
PSO4 Graduates will possess the skills to effectively plan, execute, and manage IT projects from Initiation to completion. They will be proficient in project management methodologies.
PSO5 Bachelor of Information Technology gives a number of opportunities likes software programmer, system and network administrator, web designer, Researcher/faculty for Information Technology, computer science and computer applications/etc.


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